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A Note from Raheem

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Hello I am Raheem Swift.
In 2021, I joined Life Decisions and began helping them with their early service projects. From there, I continued to lend a hand with whatever they needed, and even started attending church with the tribe. For me, it was a new and positive experience to be in a church, and I served as a camera-man & camera director there. After completing a 3-month internship with Workforce Connections and completing On the Job Training, I am now working with Life Decisions part-time. I am also a first time college student at Rock Valley College. I am a great example of a young person with a great success story. My dream is to see youth with changed lives and a brighter future. I hope I can inspire others to have hope and aspire to succeed. I created a summary book for you all to visually see what Life Decisions has been up to throughout the year of 2022. From everything like events and renovations on the home, this book covers all things Life Decisions including our famous Core Values, Pillars, and highlights of mentors and mentees that have made Life Decisions into what it is today.

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